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A walk in the Woods
One of the jobs for the Volunteer's Wednesday work sessions is to check for storm damage in the old Woods.
Steeple Woods
Mar 10, 2023

What a difference!
There have been a lot of changes over the twenty or so years that the Reserve has been maintained by the volunteers.
Steeple Woods
Oct 6, 2022

The good people at Plantlife are asking for our help (and saving us a chore on our to do lists in the process).
Steeple Woods
May 2, 2022

Unintended consequences
Research published in the British Ecological Society journal highlights the levels of nitrogen and phosphorus in dog waste...
Steeple Woods
Mar 14, 2022

Spring has sprung
After the recent storms it might not seem like it, but Spring is in the air on the Reserve.
Steeple Woods
Mar 2, 2022

Gorse burgers?
Researchers at Aberdeen University have proposed that protein derived from Gorse and Broom could be used as a non-meat protein alternative.
Steeple Woods
Jan 13, 2022

Reminder of summer
As an antidote to the dark days of winter, here's a reminder of what summer has to offer at the Reserve.
Steeple Woods
Jan 5, 2022

Autumn fungi
Autumn always brings a flush of fungi to the Reserve. The range of colours and shapes of the visible (i.e. fruiting) parts of the fungi...
Steeple Woods
Dec 1, 2021

Watch your feet
The biodiversity around the Reserve isn't limited to the bigger inhabitants. If you look closely when you are walking around you'll see a...
Steeple Woods
Dec 1, 2021
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