Penderleath Community Woodland
Penderleath Community Woodland
The Penderleath Community Woodland Group
The Group held its inaugural meeting on 9th October 2021 and meets every 6 – 8 weeks. A
constitution has been developed and funding applications are under way. Developing a community led project such as this helps build community cohesion and resilience, providing opportunities for exercise while working in a social group in the outdoors for a common purpose. Great for health and wellbeing and the environment!
Tree planting
Approximately 480 trees were planted over the last winter including sessile oak, hazel, grey
willow, common alder, rowan, downy birch, holly, hawthorn, blackthorn, elder, crab apple, ash.
The plan is to plant trees around the margins of the fields (except the northern boundary of
the largest field to preserve the open aspect of this field) leaving some areas unplanted which will be managed as wild flower meadows, particularly around exposed granite outcrops. A truck load of wood chippings was donated by tree surgeon Mark Nankervis to mulch the newly planted trees.
This winter, tree planting is well underway with a total of 565 trees to be planted. A tree nursery has been established where the trees are heeled in while awaiting planting. A group from Nancledra School has helped with tree planting and it is hoped to develop links with the school and others in the locality.
Future Plans
For the summer months, the trees will need to be kept clear of bracken and brambles, achieved as simply as walking around the trees, trampling the undergrowth or using slashers and scythes.
Next winter it is hoped to plant more trees in the top field to bulk up the woodland, particularly along the boundaries to provide a shelter belt, leaving central clearings around the exposed granite. The marginal planting in the other fields will be in-filled and broadened in some areas, particularly along boundaries facing the B road and to provide screening from the nearby farmhouse and campsite. The central areas of these fields will be managed as wild flower meadows. There is some of the highly invasive non-native weed Himalayan balsam in the margins of the large field which will need to be eradicated as it spreads prolifically and is already a significant problem in the area.
A long term aspiration is to form wildlife corridors linking the site with other wildlife areas in the
vicinity such as the Cold Harbour Marsh and Bussow Moor and Carnstabba County Wildlife Sites.
Want to help?
Everyone is welcome to join our weekly volunteer sessions on the site. We meet every Friday
morning, 10am – 12pm, except the first of the month when we meet on the Saturday, 2 – 4pm.
Bring a spade & gloves & boots!
For more information, contact: penderleathcommunitywoodland@gmail.com