Researchers at Aberdeen University have proposed that protein derived from Gorse and Broom could be used as a non-meat protein alternative for human diets.
"Gorse and broom were fed to cattle at times when crops failed in the past, so we think protein from these types of plants could be used as animal food. If protein isolates are produced in the correct way, so to be safe, they could be considered as human food in the future."
This would have to be done very carefully as Gorse and Broom contain chemicals that are poisonous to humans, so please don't try this at home.

Both Gorse and Broom are members of the Fabaceae, which is in the Pea family.
Like all members of the Pea family, Gorse and Broom can create their own fertiliser by fixing nitrogen from the air into the soil. This gives both plants an advantage when it comes to being the first ones to grow on poor soil.
Whether or not Gorse burgers are on the menu in future, we can all do our bit to help the environment and keep ourselves healthy by eating less red meat. Why not take a look at Veganuary or Meat Free Mondays?
In the meantime, the volunteers will just have to carry on piling up and composting the Gorse cuttings that we get from our winter path maintenance.
Thanks to for details.