...does it take to check a log beehive? Well, you can make up your own punchline to that...
In reality, keeping a close eye on our beehives is a job that most volunteers like to get involved with.
As you can see below, our log beehive was given a thorough inspection by a group of volunteers, led by our resident bee expert Chris2.

The hive was found to be(e) in excellent health with lots of activity, honeycombs and evidence of food stores being built up to see the bees through the winter.

Glad to say that the bees only took slight exception to one volunteer (our Chairperson, no less) and he got off lightly with a single sting. Should have kept his beekeepers suit on!

You can find out more about the pollinators on the Reserve elsewhere in our blog.
If you'd like to get involved caring for bees and the natural environment in general, why not try volunteering. More details on the website.
Lastly, thanks to volunteers Lorna and Hazel for the photos!